March 25, 2011

A More Colorful View

L Schroeder
 This Pin-Hole photograph was taken from the football field at our high school looking to the stadium. It's my favorite work that I've done so far because I like the way all the colors turned out and how you can compare how the stadium looks in different ways. To edit this photograph I used the brush tool and selected the different colors then changed the opacity to 55%.


Anonymous said...

This is really neat! I like how some of the "pieces" are more defined than others, and how it looks so much like stained glass. The edges also give a very nice and aged feel.


Anonymous said...

A More Colorful View
Comment: This picture is really creative. I like the colors you used in this image. I also like how you divided them up by the fence, that's the coolest part I think. Good job! - AF SPHS