March 2, 2011


S Baker
A photo from my most recent album. Water makes for such great photographs. I played with the color a lot, specifically to make the colors more vibrant and make the water droplets stand out against the apple. I think it went well and I'm happiest with this photo from the entire set. (If you're wondering why I have so many apple photos, it's the concentration of my portfolio in art. I sort of have to have a lot!)


S Baker
Another photo from the set--this one was actually taken while I was just playing around, waiting on my sister to come back outside with the water we were using for some of the other shots. I was so happy with it I kept it for the album. I edited the colors a lot again, upping the vibrance and defining the shadows more.


 R Niday
I took these pictures while walking around campus in Boulder while looking at schools. 
I changed the levels and cropped them.

March 1, 2011


H Camp
 I took this photo at Aldridge Gardens and only boosted the contrast a bit.

One Brakelight

M Silas
I took this picture at a museum whilst in Ohio for Xmas break. I can't rightly remember the name of the car. I just remember loving the concept of this picture. It looked really good on the preview screen on the camera. Let this be a lesson to all (myself included): TAKE LOTS OF SHOTS! You never know which ones turn out as good as you want.

February 28, 2011


J Bryan
We got heavy snow last week - a rare occurrence in Alabama - so I had to take as many shots as I could. This one got the bubbles in the ice pretty clearly, so I added a few color adjustment layers and cropped it in.


J Bryan