March 24, 2011

Upside Down World

A Miller
 I created this photo montage in class. The assignment was to take different images off the internet and combine them to make one big photo. The challenge was making the images look like they belonged in one picture. I really like my idea in this piece. I adjusted the contrast, cropped some pictures, and used the burn tool.


Anonymous said...

I really like how bright the overall picture is; the pictures all go so well together and the shadows are very accurate to the car, balloons, and person falling. Interesting composition and concept, too! Good job!


Anonymous said...

Woah, gorgeous. My favorite aspect is the colors. All the colors of the city as well as the bright blue sky are vivid and overall make for a pleasing photograph. Also, I enjoy the oddness of this picture. The peculiar way the objects are lied out makes the photo very interesting. Lastly, I am SO impressed by the shadows. They match the objects so perfectly that they look real, how did you do that?!