May 10, 2011

Standing Tall

S Baker
This photo was taken downtown. I love architecture; I think it's beautiful. The geometric qualities and colors in this photo are my favorite parts of it.


S Baker


R Niday

May 6, 2011


J Bryan
I adjusted the levels to bring out the grainy texture of the statue, then dodged and burned certain areas to bring out shadows and highlights.


J Bryan
I used several color balance and gradient layers to add a red tint to the photo, and used curve adjustments to brighten the whites of the flower petals.

May 3, 2011

Maggie Taylor

H Camp
 We had to interpret a Maggie Taylor piece for one of our projects. I did a Wizard of Oz themed collage.

April 21, 2011

S Baker
I recently started a 365 challenge where I do a drawing a day and post it on a blog. This is my drawing from the second day. I drew it in my sketchbook, scanned it in, and did all of the coloring in Photoshop with various brushes. I'm really happy with how it turned out.

April 2, 2011


K Picogna
 I was in Iowa two summers ago visiting family, I got extremely bored and started playing with my camera. I went to my grandma's garden and just started taking pictures. I love the vivid color of the flowers. All I did was add saturation to the picture and that is it.

March 29, 2011

Eye of the Tiger

C Bell
This photo was taken across the room from the cat, because she's afraid of my camera. I like this picture because she's a black cat, and they are really hard to photograph sometimes, especially when they run from anything that makes noise. I enhanced the contrast and saturation, then added a color overlay to her eye to make it pop more. I only cropped it a bit on the right side.

March 28, 2011

A Different Perspective

B Hall
This photo is my favorite because it was the first time I had used a pinhole camera. It came out better than I thought it would because you can see definition in the shoes and in her face. This was taken at Spain Park High School. To enhance this, I simply put a black and white mask over it and changed the contrast slightly.

March 25, 2011

A More Colorful View

L Schroeder
 This Pin-Hole photograph was taken from the football field at our high school looking to the stadium. It's my favorite work that I've done so far because I like the way all the colors turned out and how you can compare how the stadium looks in different ways. To edit this photograph I used the brush tool and selected the different colors then changed the opacity to 55%.

Line Collage

A Buchanan
This image is the end result of the pinhole line collage we made in class. It includes photos taken by several people around all parts of the school. I thought the end result turned out to be an interesting contrast between all the lines. The edits I used were all pretty basic, mostly cropping and overlapping images, and bumping the contrast to make the blacks and grays pop a little more.

Going in Circles

E Cowart
I made this for the Pinhole Collage at the end of the first semester.  This is created from about twenty different pinhole pictures taken by First Period. This is my favorite image because I have put several hours into making it. Even though I did not take the pinhole pictures, I am proud that I was able to add my own flair to them and make the pictures my own.  I have edited it (added a color scheme, enhanced the colors, changed certain pinwheels etc.) over the past few weeks. Each pinwheel consists of one pinhole picture. Each pinhole picture was edited down to the subject, then the opacity was reduced to 7%, and the image rotate 57 times at 7.6 degrees. Once I was happy with the composition, I used original gradients to color the grayscale pinwheels.

“Get Well Soon, Mr. Myers”

A Fields
A collage of images taken in the studio.  I like this one since the photographs were just of people, and I went back and added the letters as if they were holding them.  I added individual text letters, added a layer mask to make it look like they were holding the letters, and repositioned them as best as I could.

March 24, 2011

Railroad Park

M Maxwell
This photo was taken at Railroad Park in downtown Birmingham, one of my favorite places. I love this picture because I took it with my fisheye lens and I love the sun flare. I bumped the saturation of the photo just a tad.

Its Time to Party

M McGuffie
I compiled all of the individual people, and i copied it three more times rotated on a center point. I changed the hue of each of the four sections. And decorated it with different brushes.


 A Hval
This photo was taken in my bathroom.  I put one some crazy eye makeup and lipstick, put my hair up, and stood against my shower curtain and took pictures of myself until I found an aesthetically pleasing one.  Since the shower curtain was white, I blended into it pretty well, so my face sort of came into the background when I increased the brightness.  Along with increasing the brightness, I also increased the saturation and made just the eyes colored.  Everything but the eyes and eyebrows is black and white.  I also edited out some sides of my face so that they would blend better into the background.

School Grounds

T Morgan
This was a collage of pinhole photos taken by the class around Spain Park High School at random places. This is my favorite because there are a lot of lines leading to different places and I like the random objects in the collage.  I used Photoshop to put all the pinhole photos on there and the mask tool to make the objects blend in more along with changing the opacity of some of the objects to make them stand out more of less.

Upside Down World

A Miller
 I created this photo montage in class. The assignment was to take different images off the internet and combine them to make one big photo. The challenge was making the images look like they belonged in one picture. I really like my idea in this piece. I adjusted the contrast, cropped some pictures, and used the burn tool.

Line Collage

K Valin
 This collage was made for the "line collage" assignment. This assignment called for the manipulation of pinhole photographs taken by the class into an abstract collage that included lines. This is my favorite image because it appears so cluttered and vague. I was proud of myself for turning the pictures of a window and stairs into something artistically confusing. The edits I used were done in photoshop and included: color range, where i dragged only certain colored aspects in a photograph into a new layer, and the gradient tool, which was used to soften the edges of each new image and merge them together effectively.

Swimming with the Stars

J Johnson
3D Collage. I like this because its interesting and different. I used Vector masks.

March 23, 2011


A Crawford
 I made this photo in photoshop when we made collages in class. I used the shape tool to cut out a triangle from the original image.

Clear as Crystal

A Marcum
This is a picture I took of the chandelier in my dining room. I really like the composition of it and how a few beads are the only things in focus. The background looks sort of grainy but I like that it turned out that way because it makes the photograph look older. I turned up the contrast and saturation to make the picture look sort of antique-like and more dramatic. I was wearing a bright blue shirt and didn't realize I was standing in front of a mirror until after I took the picture so I used the clone tool to edit the blue out.


A Ortega
I won 2nd place in the state district IV art competition for this project. It was a project Mr. Myers had us do which was digital photo montage which is basically photo manipulation. In this project I created like an a escape or an illusion of some sort to be distracted of reality. I blurred out a little of the background sunset and lightened it up. I also made the front scene where the rocks are balanced in color. Overall I love the result of how my project turned out.

Shoe Hand

F Mbau

I took this picture when Mr. Myers had a project for us where by we used the box camera. This is my favorite picture because it look really cool.  I didn't do any edits.


J Bryan
This was about the only thing in bloom at the botanical gardens last week, but I went ahead and took the shot. I increased the saturation of the reds and darkened the greens, then brightened some of the highlights with the dodge tool.

A Greedy Wrath

T Sumrall
 This was taken in Mr. Myer's photography room for his q-tip project. This piece is my favorite because not only does it give a good visual description of the sins Greed and Wrath, it shows an emotional side. I felt into the image when editing it and taking it, and it provides a perfect example of a mixture of two evils. First I uploaded the image onto a black background, and cropped it. The shirt was initially blue, but I turned it red with hue/saturation, and then started to use custom brushes. The brushes all put together and turned red make the fractals bursting from greed/wrath's figure.

The Cave

C Ponte
I took this on a backpacking trip through the Smoky Mountains. It looked like a place where a creature might take shelter from a storm or something else. I'm really happy with this photo because it looks like an indian tepee, but made out of rock. Plus, I barely did anything to it. I played with the contrast, brightness and shading..thats about it.

March 22, 2011

All Time Low

L Sinsel
Its a collage of a lot of the bands and singers that I like and I thought that I would mix them all together. I got all the images off the internet. It has most of the bands that i think are good and i put them all together.


H Camp
I took this photo on top a mountain overlooking 280. My friend Olivia was looking down to see how far the drop was.

Weed or Flower?

M Silas
I took this picture WAY back when. It was in the park in front of Calera High School. I don't really have much to say about it other than the fact that I have come to love and appreciate macro shots.


A O'Hare
 I used a photo of a lizard and took an part of it and made it into a tessallasion.


M Kimbell
I took my little sisters out to eat at Milo's and one of them wouldn't eat or talk, so I took some pictures of her to make her laugh.  I burned the background some, but that's all I did to the photo. I liked how the ketchup was defined and she wasn't.

Farm Girl

C Reeves
 The photograph is taken at veterans park, it is my favorite because I like the color scheme and it was my best pinhole photo. The  edits I performed were selecting a color range and using the selection to apply a gradient.


C Douglass
I took this picture for our profile project. I did not change very much, except i bumped up the saturation a bit to make her red hair really pop. :)

Row Tahd

 M Hines
This is a collage of Alabama things.  I am a big Alabama fan. I got these images of Google.  I used Photoshop.  I put the images into a triangle and rotated copies of it.

Miami Attractions

C Ryan
This photo is my favorite because it was my first time using Photoshop. I had to crop photos from the internet and incorporate them into my photo. I had to use a lot of tools to crop out the people and put them in the pool. I used Photoshop and used these tools: magic wand tool, rectangular marquee tool, eraser, and the polygon lasso tool.

March 21, 2011


B Gray
This is what I picture the world if it did ever encounter alien life. You can notice the Palin family and in the background dark clouds and to the left a space ship and the moon looks larger than usual. I used photoshop to enhance this photo. I used layer masks to make this photo look as thought it wasn't photoshopped. But considering it is a science fiction type of picture, people will assume it has been photoshopped.

March 2, 2011


S Baker
A photo from my most recent album. Water makes for such great photographs. I played with the color a lot, specifically to make the colors more vibrant and make the water droplets stand out against the apple. I think it went well and I'm happiest with this photo from the entire set. (If you're wondering why I have so many apple photos, it's the concentration of my portfolio in art. I sort of have to have a lot!)


S Baker
Another photo from the set--this one was actually taken while I was just playing around, waiting on my sister to come back outside with the water we were using for some of the other shots. I was so happy with it I kept it for the album. I edited the colors a lot again, upping the vibrance and defining the shadows more.