March 29, 2011

Eye of the Tiger

C Bell
This photo was taken across the room from the cat, because she's afraid of my camera. I like this picture because she's a black cat, and they are really hard to photograph sometimes, especially when they run from anything that makes noise. I enhanced the contrast and saturation, then added a color overlay to her eye to make it pop more. I only cropped it a bit on the right side.


Anonymous said...

This is an amazing photo. Black cats are extremely hard to photograph. the fur is glossy and soft against the crisp blushish-green of the cat's eye. The white whiskers add a nice touch to the contrast and i like how you just cropped its face and didn't include the ears.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful! The bluish green color of the cat's eye looks awesome against the black. I also like that the background is a soft neutral color so the cat's profile looks really crisp and bold against it. Good job!!!

Anonymous said...

I really love this photo. The eyes on the cat are so intense looking. The black and white of the fur really make them pop. I like it isn't even looking at the camera but its gaze is still so engaging. -- AB SPHS

Anonymous said...

Although this is a simple photo, it is stunning. Enhancing the colors, especially her eyes, makes the photo appear clean and vibrant. What I also appreciate is the crispness of the photo, the texture of her fur and whiskers are crystal clear. However, Id have to say my favorite aspect of this photograph is the cats eyes. Their color and the light reflected off them makes them very alluring. Beautiful

Anonymous said...

I love this! Cats are such beautiful creatures and the color of the cats eye is pretty. Great quality too!

Anonymous said...

I like the way the eye stands out here and that way that cat has a white mouth.


Anonymous said...

This is a very good photo! The cat's eye really pops against the cat's black fur, and everything is really in focus and sharp. The cat's whiskers are also very sharp. I also like how the background is a solid color and it is out of focus. Great job!