March 1, 2011


H Camp
 I took this photo at Aldridge Gardens and only boosted the contrast a bit.


Anonymous said...

I'm always really impressed by photos that make a centered subject work. It's difficult to do; you have to have a very bold subject, and I think this bright yellow flower fits the bill. I love the flower's symmetrical qualities and color, as well as the bright grass coming into the photo from the bottom. My only qualm is that there's too much vibrancy in the background. It takes away from the flower.

snb. sphs.

Anonymous said...

this is a vary nice photo. i love the way the yellow stands out. the lighting is great. good job!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the color on the petal of the flower. Yellow to me is the hardest color to get right because if it is too light it will look like the sun, too dark and it will look like a dreary spicy mustard. i also like how the landscape is perfectly strait across the bottom and the center of the flower is in focus. The fact that it is by itself makes this picture perfect.