March 2, 2011


 R Niday
I took these pictures while walking around campus in Boulder while looking at schools. 
I changed the levels and cropped them.


Anonymous said...

I love the contrast of the yellow train to all the grayscale.

Anonymous said...

All three pictures show good views of Colorado's scenary during snow. The middle picture is a good eye catcher from the yellow train on a silver/white setting.


Anonymous said...

The yellow of the train really pops out in this sequence of photos. The snow is absolutely beautiful and the bright, warm yellow is such a nice contrast to the scene. -- AB SPHS

Anonymous said...

I really like the contrast if the yellow train on the bleak background. I would have maybe tweaked the contrast a bit to make more shadows and highlights. Great job!!!


Anonymous said...

These are all really beautiful photos, but the middle one definitely stands out to me. The bright yellow train in the middle of all that white snow is just perfect. My only critique is that the tree in the bottom photo needs to stand out more against the background.


Anonymous said...

In the second picture, the white background and surroundings make the bright yellow train even more vivid. Also, the perspective of the train is cool. What I really want to know is what those cars are doing on the roof in the background. - AF SPHS

Anonymous said...

This picture is pretty, but I feel like there is no focal point. It seems a tad of center to me and I feel like maybe moving the tree in the front a little more over would make it better.